Personlig træning
Personal training
Strength training
Nutritional guidance
Sports specific training

Meet your trainer
Certified personal trainer
Authorized physiotherapist
Nutritional guidance
Hey, my name is Troels Seeberg. I am the owner of Seeberg Health and specialize in helping people become better and make their dreams come true with a healthier lifestyle and stronger bodies.
We can all get stronger and lose weight even without any help, but we often have trouble maintaining it, and this is where I come in. I will help you combine training that works with your everyday life. In a course, we will address your bad habits and find new habits to replace them. The goal is for you to be self-sufficient and have the tools to adjust your training.
In the last decade, I have worked with various types of strength training for weight loss, muscle building, mobility, sports performance (such as tennis and obstacle races), or simply being healthy.
Additionally, I have taught everything from senior training, Crossfit, and functional training to running classes and powerlifting, as well as kettlebell and TRX classes.

Specialization and process
Personal training
Jeg specialisere mig primært med klienter der har et ønske om at opnå et drømme mål, hvor der tanke til handling. Det vil sige at et forløb minimum består af 3 måneder, som sikre at vi opnår en kontrolleret fremgang og som efterfølgende er med til at give værktøjer man selv kan arbejde videre med. Alt efter ønske skal der måske længere tid end 3 måneder til. Alle forløb kan betales i rater og jeg tager selvfølgelig også imod andre klienter der skal have rettet en allerede igangværende træning til m.m.
Se mere under priser og planer.
A course can be from one month to as long as you need. I'll always recommend a least 3 months when it comes to changing habits and starting new ones and we don't do anything in a rush. We can meet once a week or more depending on budget, self-training, and goals. Subsequently, we can organize whether you want to meet for a follow-up once a month or whatever suits you.
A course can be everything from a weight-loss, to strength training, optimize sports like running, tennis, or padel. Be able to carry your kids or grandkids around a play with them
The first session consists of a conversation and planning so we can cover all aspects so that it fits into your everyday work, etc. Furthermore, we will from the beginning start to build what I call a foundation for your training and use that as starting point.